Tuesday, January 19, 2021

3 Picks with Armand Rosamilia

This week, 3 Picks features the author of many horror, contemporary and crime thrillers, Armand Rosamilia. Armand is a Jersey Boy now living in Jacksonville, Florida. He's best known for his Dying Days zombie series, Belford Stories contemporary fiction series and Dirty Deeds crime thriller and mystery series.

I'm Frank J. Edler, author of various horror comedies and voracious reader. I'm a big fan of Florida crime fiction writer, Tim Dorsey. Tim Dorsey is best known for his Serge Storm series of crime caper books. The series numbers more than twenty books and counting. There are many great books in the series and all of them are laugh-out-loud funny. You don't even need to read the series in order to enjoy the books. '

I can't get enough of them. And that's why I'm asking Armand for his 3 Picks for books as good as Tim Dorsey's Serge Storm books.

Here's his picks.

Pick 1: Michael Wiley's Daniel Turner Mysteries trilogy, set in Jacksonville FL. Very gritty and noir. Great storyteller, and Michael is also a great guy.

Pick 2: Dawn Lee McKenna's Forgotten Coast Florida Suspense Series. Currently 10 books. Also a Florida series, and her characters are amazing. I could read 200 pages of them interacting and be happy. An actual plotline is a bonus.

Pick 3: Wayne Stinnett's Caribbean Adventure Series. Currently 20 books and... starts off in Florida. You sense a theme? Another author who creates amazing characters I can never get enough of.

Thanks Armand. They all sound like great reads! Not just great crime picks, great Florida crime picks! Bonus! You can find out more about Armand Rosamilia's crime fiction and more at ArmandRosamilia.com 

What are your 3 Picks for Florida Crime Thrillers? Let me know in the comments.

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